Buckingham ABLAZE

Events for Buckingham ABLAZE


Disaster came in 1725 with terrible fire. Most of Castle Street and parts of Market Hill, West Street and Well Street were ablaze. According to one account, the fire destroyed 138 houses and left over a third of Buckingham homeless.

Newsletter February 2024


The Seats at the Front of the Old Town hall
Planning Report
Green and leafy Buckingham
Obituary: Pat Phillips
Tree Observations
Candlemas: The Last Day of Christmas
Planning: More Housing Growth on the Way?
Low Life in Buckingham
The Shoebox Doll’s House

To see the newsletter in full click here

Buckingham Society Events 2024

The core events programme for the year 2024 are: –

June: Curated walk at Evenley Wood Garden.
July: Summer lecture and garden party.
August: Wine tasting.
details will be circulated nearer the time and will be supplemented by additional events.

Newsletter September 2023

Reports: –
View from the Chair – Ian Orton
Planning – Carolyn Cumming
Bernie Marsden: A Buckingham Great – Ian Orton
Canteen Food – Ed Grimsdale
The Common Swift – Sue Hethrington
Local Wildlife Observations – Mary Melluish
The appalling cost of UK infrastructure – Ian Orton
Evenley Wood Garden
Forthcoming Events

To see the newsletter in full click here

Buckingham Society Lecture and Garden Party 20th July 2023


The annual lecture was held in the Vinson Centre Auditorium and was attended by over 100 people, both members and non-members. The lecture was given by Dan Winter, Head Gardener at Evenley Wood.
Dan said that he had been at Evenley since November 2020. We learned that Evenley Wood Garden is set amongst the beautiful Northamptonshire
countryside, and is 60-acre of privately owned woodland garden containing a large and notable collection of plants; ranging from rare and unusual trees and shrubs to a wide selection of snowdrops, lilies and other bulbs. The garden’s unusual area of acid soil, in this otherwise predominantly alkaline area, provides us the opportunity to grow plants such as rhododendrons, camellias, and magnolias, which would not ordinarily thrive in this location. It was a fascinating lecture stimulating many in the audience to plan a future visit.

Following the lecture the annual garden party was held in the Vinson Building Foyer. There was a generous array of canapes and drinks enjoyed by the 60 guests.



Newsletter June 2023

Reports: –

  • View From the Chair – Ian Orton
  • Members’ contributions to Buckingham recognised by Buckingham Town Council
  • SECRETS, SILK AND CYANIDE – A Synopsis of the Talk by Bill Robins
  • German prisoners – Ed Grimsdale
  • Memories of John Cornwall – Shared in response to Ed Grimsdale’s last article which included a landgirl’s verses from the 1940’s

To see the newsletter in full click here